Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.
Is today the day you are thinking of quitting your sacrifice? Is it getting hard? Is it feeling overwhelming? Is the temptation great? It's been a week. Some people couldn't last one hour. President Jeffrey R. Holland said in October General Conference: So, if sometimes the harder you try, the more difficult it seems to get; if, just as you try to work on your limitations and your shortcomings, you find someone or something determined to challenge your faith; if, as you labor devotedly, you still feel moments of fear wash over you, remember that it has been so for some of the most faithful and marvelous people in every era of time. Also remember that there is a force in the universe determined to oppose every good thing you try to do. You are choosing to sacrifice, much like the Savior volunteered and chose to sacrifice for all of us. Satan will strive to lead you away and make you follow him, instead of Christ. Even Christ is not above temptation from the devil. In the forty days that Christ fasted in the wilderness, He, too was tempted by Satan. But, like Christ, we can use the scriptures, words of the prophets, and our faith to help us stay strong and maintain our commitment to Christ. You don't have to give up. You don't have to quit. Stay strong. You got this. Scriptures/ReadingsDoctrine and Covenants 4:2, 3 Nephi 11:10–11. Words of the ProphetsElder Holland, "I am He" talk from October 2024 General Conference, Daily Journal PromptA moment of doubt and how you handled it ❦ Traditional ReadingsPsalm 17; Zechariah 3:1-10; 2 Peter 2:4-21 |
Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.