
Latter-day Lent

[Latter-day Lent] Line upon Line - Week 2 Tuesday

There are a couple reasons why we can’t have meat before milk. This is the principle of line upon line. You can’t have all the answers at once because your mind can’t comprehend it. Neither can your stomach.

The symbolism here is powerful.

Milk is what we have as babies, when we are too weak and small to take care of ourselves.

Meat is what we have to get by heavy physical exertion.

And it’s not just more challenging to chew, but we have to work to get meat. Milk is given to all freely when they are born. It is produced by the mother specifically to give to the child.

In fact, the only way you can get meat is by exertion.

Even if you find an animal dead on the side of the road, you must exert yourself to eat it. You must clean it, cook it, and then chew it.

Meat requires a hunt, strategy, planning, and then the preparation is much more involved also. That is the key.

Meat is also symbolic of the flesh of Christ, which we eat as part of the sacrament.

Milk is what everyone gets, through no effort of their own.

Meat is what those get who actively seek after it.

Hunting for meat also requires humility to know that you cannot do this on your own. The life-giving nourishment that comes from meat was itself a sacrifice of that life for you to have sustenance.

Seek out the meat.

Doing Lent can be effort you are putting in to seek out the meat, to be ready for meat, and not just milk.


D&C 19:22 , 2 Nephi 28:30

Daily Journal Prompt

March 11 A time someone showed you compassion ⚕︎

Traditional Readings

Psalm 17 Zechariah 3:1-10, 2 Peter 2:4-21

Latter-day Lent

Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.

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