Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.
It's easy to look back at your life and see why the struggles you had were useful. You can often see a straight line leading directly to where you currently are. But it is exceptionally hard to see that when you are in the thick of it. Why is my baby screaming at 2:37 am, and why can't I just go back to sleep? Why did I not get that job or promotion I was perfect for? Why did that person break up with me? What God has in store for you is according to His perfect plan. When we sacrifice for Christ, we are participants in that plan. We start to become like Him by invoking His wisdom on us. We give up something now for a greater reward later. We can't always see that greater reward later, though. But we don't ever give something up thinking it's going to make us worse, right? Of course not. Scriptures/ReadingsAlma 13:2, 16, Doctrine and Covenants 1:38, D&C 58:3-4 Words of the ProphetsWe don’t just make covenant promises—we must keep them. In many gospel ordinances, we make sacred covenants with God; He promises to bless us as we keep those covenants. Do we realize it is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?
That afternoon I wondered if I, a covenant daughter of God, fully understood how to access the gift of God’s power through priesthood ordinances and if I truly recognized how God’s power works within me.
Emily Belle Freeman, Live Up To Your Privileges Daily Journal PromptA time when someone invited you to learn more about Christ ✉︎ Traditional Readings |
Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.