
Latter-day Lent

[Latter-day Lent] What Lack I Yet? Week 1 Friday

It is said that if you truly love someone you will sacrifice for them.

Christ truly loved us and he sacrificed for us.

What are you willing to sacrifice to show Him you love Him?

Your sacrifice may seem small to someone else, but that doesn't matter.

All that matters is how the Lord sees your sacrifice.

The Lord may inspire you to do some great thing, or He may inspire you to make a very small change.

He may inspire you to clean your room. He may inspire you stop using your phone while in line.

The early saints had plenty of difficult sacrifices they were asked to make, and the Saints, Volume 1 shares an interesting example of when they were asked to sacrifice something even more than they already were.

Joseph urged the Twelve and other trusted friends to be obedient to the Lord as he prepared them to receive this endowment of divine power. He also taught the principle of plural marriage to a few more Saints and testified of its divine origin. The previous summer, less than a week after the apostles returning from England arrived in Nauvoo, he had taught the principle to a few of them and instructed them to obey it as a commandment of the Lord.​​​​ While plural marriage was not necessary for exaltation or the greater endowment of power, obedience to the Lord and a willingness to dedicate one’s life to Him were.

From Saints, Volume 1

This isn’t about plural marriage. It’s about following Christ in all things!

The Ten Commandments are pretty easy to follow for most people. Those who really want to sanctify themselves and receive exhalation need to adhere to higher, holier commandments than what is asked of all men. This is why we covenant to give all that we have had, do have, and will have to the Lord. Nothing is off the table if we truly want to return to Him.

If we are to be Sanctified, we must be willing to sacrifice all we have to Him.


2 Nephi 28:24-30

D&C 98:11-15

Words of the Prophets

The journey of discipleship is not an easy one. It has been called a “course of steady improvement.”2 As we travel along that strait and narrow path, the Spirit continually challenges us to be better and to climb higher. The Holy Ghost makes an ideal traveling companion. If we are humble and teachable, He will take us by the hand and lead us home.

What Lack I Yet? By Elder Larry Lawrence

Daily Journal Prompt

A spiritual connection you feel with your family ⚭

Traditional Readings

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Exodus 6:1-13; Acts 7:35-42;

Latter-day Lent

Helping Latter-day Saints learn about Lent through daily devotionals to help elevate their Easter celebrations in a higher and holier way.

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